Studio reBorn is Japan’s first professional studio for planning and producing Japanese-styled Webtoons.

The comic market in Japan work, major publishing companies make sales by distributing books to smaller retail bookstores, and

This model has been dominating the market since the late 1990s, making it difficult for rookie artists to dive into the market. However, the whole appearance of Webtoons has been creating a paradigm shift in this dominating model. As Webtoons do not need to go through these conventional publishing companies, they are free from these traditional business models, making it easier for rookie artists to begin exploring, and growing within the market.

Japan’s comic industry is experiencing a major paradigm shift over the past few years. Traditional bookstores, rental shops, and even TV shows have been absorbed into our pockets by the rapid development of smartphones, making it available to view digital content anywhere, anytime.

Japan’s comic industry has been majorly dependent on physical paper-published books. However, a completely new format of comics aiming for web publications – Webtoons – have been on the global upsurge.

Japan’s whole comic market is estimated to be 7 billion USD as of 2019, where the physical paper publication market holds the major share of 5 billion USD, and the online market only holds 2 billion USD.

The comic industry function by major publishing companies distributing physical copies to smaller retail bookstores. This model has been dominating the market ever since the late 1990s, making it rather difficult for rookie artists to dive into the market and distribute their works. However, the appearance of Webtoons have been leading the change of this traditional market design – Webtoons do not need to go through these major publishing companies, making it much easier for rookie artists to newly create their network and discover distribution routes.

The business model for Webtoons is distinguished from traditional paper books; Webtoons do not just rely on traditional publishing sales or merchandise sales. Webtoons aim to completely redefine the whole concept of comics by exploiting product placement (PPL) advertisements based on online distributions, as well as producing dramas and audible dramas.

As Japan’s first professional Webtoon studio, we aim to develop and promote rookie Webtoon artists as well as recruiting experienced artists, and furthermore advance the whole Webtoon industry.

일본의 만화서적시장은 2019년기준으로 7조원정도이며 그중 디지털유통이 2조원정도로 나머지 5조원을 일반서점등의 기존 유통시장으로 형성되어 있습니다.대형출판사가 유통업체를 통해서 서점에 선 판매를 하고 팔리지않는 서적을 나중에 반품하는 등 대형출판사위주로 시장이 형성되어고 이런 유통구조는 90년대말부터 더욱더 심해지게되어 신인작가가 등용문이 많이 없던것이 사실입니다.하지만 일본에서도 이러한 시장이 조금씩 변화고 있는데 그 이유중이 하나가 Webtoon의 등장이라고 할 수 있습니다.Webtoon는 기존 출판사를 거치지않고 포털사이트를 중심으로 서비스되고 있으니 출판사의 사업모델을 따르지않아도 괜찮게 되었습니다.
Studio reBorn은 Webtoon을 기반으로 하여 일본내의 홍보활동및 유통을 당담하여 작가를 꿈꾸고 소비하고 있는 분들께 더욱 좋은 작품을 선보일수있도록 노력해 나가겠습니다.

日本のコミック産業は大きなパラダイムシフトを経験しています。本屋、テレビ、レンタルショップなどが全てスマートフォンの中に入り、時間や場所などの気にせず、コミックを楽しむことができるようになりました。そして、出版物として制作されたきた日本のコミックとは異なる、Webtoonという全く新しい形のコミックが韓国で生まれ世界的にブームを起こしています。Webtoonは一般書籍のビジネスモデルかである出版売上や関連グッズ販売に頼るだけではなくオンライン配信であることを活かし地域に合わせたPPL(間接広告:product placement advertisemen)やドラマ、音声ドラマなど2次創作物の展開を行い今までのコミックの形を大きく変えようとしています。我々は日本初となるWebtoon専門スタジオ「Studio reBorn」を通じて作家育成及び発掘と共にWebtoonの事業をさらに拡大していきたいと思います。
